
Redding Match-Grade Powder Measure 3BRK

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Match-Grade Model 3BR
Powder Measure

With Universal and Pistol Metering Chambers

The Match-Grade Model 3BR was created to be the ultimate powder measure… “out of the box” match ready! Since its creation this powder measure has been helping Silhouette shooters and Benchrest shooters win matches and set new records.

It all started with the time proven accuracy and reliability of the original Model 3 Powder Measure. It has a micrometer metering chamber right in front for easy setting and reading. The micrometer makes it possible to record your favorite settings and return to the same place weeks later when you wish to create the same load. Precision machined cast iron frame to give you years of service. All Redding Powder Measures feature hand honed frames and hard chromium drums for long life. An extremely sharp cutting surface easily cuts and meters even the most difficult powders. The Model 3BR Powder Measure utilizes all of the features of the original Model 3 and to that we added the conversion features that Benchrest shooters were looking for.

It quickly became Redding’s most popular powder measure for two very good reasons. Its broad range of charging capacity and its performance record.

Competition Proven Conversion Features…Now used on the Match-Grade Model 3BR.


To create exceptional uniformity from charge to charge we have placed an adjustable powder baffle above the metering chamber. This maintains a constant amount of powder above the metering chamber regardless of the level of powder in the reservoir.


When the micrometer adjustment lock screw (opposite side) is loosened to change settings, the micrometer body cannot move, since the micrometer is held in place by a separate lock screw. In a measure this precise, there is no room for error and nothing can be left to chance.


A special mechanism is used inside all Match-Grade and Competition Micrometers to eliminate backlash and take up all the minute tolerances in the screw threads. The parts can’t work loose and are fully self-adjusting. It will even compensate for wear in the years to come. Your setting is guaranteed to be precise and exactly repeatable.


Cast mounting bracket included with all Redding Powder Measures.
Clear powder reservoir.
Clear モSee thruヤ drop tube accepts all calibers from .22 thru .45 cal.
Body has standard 7/8ヤヨ14 thread to fit mounting bracket and optional bench stand with locking ring for fast dumping.
Pistol Metering Chamber charging range approx. 0 to 10 grains
Universal Metering Chamber charging range approx. 5 to 100 grains

Additional information

Weight 3.42 lbs
Dimensions 3 × 4 × 10.25 in


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