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Why You Should Start Reloading with Titan

Titan Reloading
More and more people are turning to reloading as a fascinating hobby that offers a high degree of self-sufficiency. Are you a shooter who is interested in producing your own ammunition? Titan Reloading is a well-known and respected provider of reloading supplies that can serve as your first stop on the way to mastering reloading. In this article, we share some of the many reasons why you should consider using Titan Reloading when you are getting started.

  1. Great products
    When you buy from Titan Reloading, you always get quality. We supply you with only the best reloading equipment and tools. We are a master distributor of Lee Precision reloading supplies, which are famed for their sky-high quality and reliability.
  2. Helpful staff
    We at Titan know the reloading game inside out! We’re also a friendly bunch. If you are just getting started with producing your own ammunition, you can always contact us. We are here to answer and guide you with any questions that you may have about reloading.
  3. Fair prices
    When you are still new to making your own ammunition, we know that it can all be a little intimidating at times. Among new reloaders, cost is one of the biggest concerns. With Titan, you can be assured of a fair deal. We much prefer to develop long-term relationships with you than to try to make a quick buck.

Titan Reloading sells the best reloading products on the market, plus our Lee Precision products come with a lifetime warranty. We also offer a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase. For further information or to peruse our online store please visit or contact us at 262-244-7023.

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What to Buy Once You are Established

Lee Turret Press
So after some time in the reloading game, you have got the basics down. You have already bought a simple press and some other fundamental reloading supplies, but what do you get next? In this article, we consider some of the items that you may want to add to your setup as an intermediate reloader.

  1. Turret press

    A Turret press is a great step up from a single stage model. It serves as a middle ground of sorts, as it’s still much easier to handle than a progressive stage press, but gives better production volume than a single stage press. Turret presses made by Lee Precision are both cost-effective and efficient. They are capable of reloading up to 250 rounds per hour once you have mastered the process.

  2. Progressive stage press

    If you want a challenge, you may also want to consider buying a progressive model. With the progressive stage press, there is a lot more to think about. It is also better suited for those looking to fire a high volume of rounds.

  3. Powder measure

    This is a handy item to add to your reloading kit. A powder measure can save you a considerable amount of time when reloading. It also helps you to avoid making mistakes in measurement.

When it comes to reloading supplies, Titan Reloading is the best supplier in the business! We sell only the highest quality products that are fully backed by Lee Precision. Titan Reloading also offers a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with your purchase.

For further information or to peruse our products please visit or contact us at 262-244-7023 with any questions.