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Keep It Simple With Basic Equipment and Reloading Supplies During These Trying Times

Reloading Supplies

Having reloading supplies on hand assures that you can enjoy your favorite indoor hobby whenever you want. Sitting down at your workbench for some solitude and being productive is very rewarding whether it’s because of the weather, COVID-19, recharging your batteries, or some other reason.

Doing your own ammo reloading does a lot for your peace of mind in these trying times. Once you have the basic equipment and as your finances allow, you can stock up on reloading supplies like powder, primers, bullets, and brass. From stormy days to COVID concerns, you’ll be prepared with a productive and useful indoor hobby.

The DIY in you will also appreciate the mechanical aspects of the hobby. Not only does it involve presses, gauges, close measurements, and other tools, once you get started, you’ll soon be fine-tuning your loads to improve your results over those store bought rounds that are more expensive and harder to find. You do have to make an initial investment in the basics but it’s almost certainly more cost effective than you think.

Safety First

The following safety tips go a long way to help you achieve success; especially if it is your first time reloading. Of primary importance is proper handling and storage of reloading supplies (especially primers and powder). The other important aspect is always following the instructions from a trustworthy handbook and by the manufacturers of the equipment as well as the reloading components. Don’t hesitate to ask if you don’t understand everything. These safety tips are not all-inclusive but are the place to begin.

  • Before sitting down at your workbench, give it a visual inspection for potential hazards. A tidy workspace is a safe workspace.
  • Commit your undivided attention to the task at hand. Having a well-thought-out routine that you follow avoids mistakes. Reloading is a leisurely hobby – slowing down avoids mistakes. No alcohol or drugs.
  • Limit the powder at hand to what is needed right now. No smoking around powder and keep your extra supply stored safely away from your immediate work area.
  • Don’t store primers in bulk! Bulk primers are very likely to mass detonate with the explosive power of a hand grenade.
  • Don’t take an unnecessary risk by reloading without safety glasses.
  • When loading powder, check your caliber and measure twice. Make it a habit to visually check the powder level to be sure that you have not doubledthe powder charge.
  • Measure your seated rounds with a caliper, if you can’t chamber it, don’t shoot it.
  • Store your reloads in a cool, dry place.
  • Cleanup your workbench when finished (especially powder and primers). Your ammo reloading bench is not the place for old car parts nor a temporary place for other items.

Be safe and enjoy! Having ample reloading material on hand will have you ready to head outdoors whenever the time and desire to go shooting is right. You’ll also walk away from your workbench with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Titan Reloading has most items in stock and is receiving new shipments daily and weekly. We fill orders in the order they are placed.

Titan Reloading is a Master Distributor of Reloading Supplies & Equipment online. Choose from Lee Precision, Dillon, Hornady, Redding, Mec, & Lyman. For more information and/or to shop our online store please visit or contact Titan Reloading the Master Distributor of Lee Precision reloading equipment & supplies at 262.397.8819

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Gun Enthusiasts Guide to Reloading Supplies

Reloading supplies

It takes practice and repetition to fully appreciate the benefits of the ammunition reloading process. Once you have all of the equipment and supplies you need and get the hang of it, you will begin to see the benefits and features that shooting enthusiasts have enjoyed for years, including:

  • Significant savings over buying new bullets
  • Customize bullet options
  • Ability to recreate ammunition types that are rare, obsolete or otherwise unavailable

Reloading ammunition does take a basic list of equipment and supplies you will need to invest for your hobby. The following are the most important materials and gear to get started.

Reloading Press

The reloading press is the foundation of the ammunition reloading process. There are three types of reloading presses available based on your level of experience, the volume of your reloading activities, and your budget.

  • Single stage

    The most basic and most affordable type of reloading press, single stage presses combine the decapping and resizing operations. A mechanical arm is used to push cases and the case holder into reloading dies. A single stage reloading press is most often used by gun hobbyists with little to no prior reloading experience.

  • Turret.

    A turret reloading press allows you to load hundreds of rounds per our with multiple dies mounted on the press. A powder measure can be mounted to for using multiple dies. This is the next logical step for those gun enthusiasts who are looking to save time and reload bigger volumes of ammunition than a single stage press.

  • Progressive. 

    These are more advanced reloading presses that will require additional knowledge and set up to run safely and efficiently. Multiple die stations allow progressive presses to produce up to 500 rounds of ammunition an hour. Recommended only for the most experienced reloading veterans.

Reloading Dies

A variety of dies are available for pistols and rifles. Reloading dies are essential for the precision of the ammunition reloading process. Different types of dies are used to enhance various qualities of the shoot, such as precision, volume, and versatility, so it is important to get the proper reloading die for your specific use and applications.


Calipers are used to accurately measure to match individual specifications and to adjust the reloading die to the length of the bullet to you need. Calipers come in sized, quality and cost, including some that come with digital displays to make the process more precise and accurate.

Powder scale

Powder scales are also available in a wide range of styles, prices, and features. Electric reloading powder scales increase efficiency and speed, while balance scales are more suited for those with limited reloading experience, as they are easier to calibrate.

Reloading manuals

Whenever you are reloading ammunition, a reloading manual should always be nearby. These manuals provide valuable information relating to the amount of ingredients needed for the reloading process. The reloading manual lists bullet and powder types, and the charge amounts required for each kind of configuration.

Reloading starter kits

For those gun enthusiasts that are just getting started in ammunition reloading a starter kit comes with all of the reloading supplies you will need. As you gain experience, confidence, and momentum, components can be upgraded to speed up the process and increase the volume per hour.

Titan Reloading is a Master Distributor of Reloading Supplies & Equipment online. Choose from Lee Precision, Dillon, Hornady, Redding, Mec, & Lyman. For further information and/or to shop our online store please visit or contact Titan Reloading the Master Distributor of Lee Precision reloading equipment & supplies at 262.397.8819 with any questions.

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Reloading Supplies vs. Factory Ammo

Reloading supplies

Some are into reloading for better accuracy, distance, or the wallop to get the job done the first time. For some, it’s because they have trouble finding the correct caliber ammunition for their preferred gun. But the common ground that ammo reloading brings to almost everyone is the pure and simple freedom from the faddish whims of ammo manufacturers.

Seasoned shooters go with ammunition that he/she has personally tested. Seldom are those, the latest manufacturer designed rounds,that are intended to appeal to the widest swath of shooters possible. We’ve all experienced ammo shortages that result when a manufacturer slashes production of a less popular round (even though tried and tested) in favor of a new round that is currently flying off the shelf. Even if you aren’t always interested in saving time and money by loading your own ammo, it’s a wise decision to always have a supply of your favorite reloading supplies on hand – just in case. Unless you only use basic ammo, finding your preferred factory ammo can be both tough and expensive if you don’t reload.

What is Your Time Worth?

When you enjoy getting away by yourself for an hour, with a progressive press it’s not difficult to crank out 500-600 rounds in about an hour. Better yet, with good quality reloading supplies and the machine set up right, you get both consistent and superior results.

But time isn’t the only thing that you want to consider. Due to the current global Pandemic(COVID-19), we’re all experiencing a new level of anxiety and frustration. We don’t know which stores will be open next week and which ones will be told to close. Maybe we’ll go back into lockdown soon or maybe not. Times are certainly uncertain. What will be the next disruption in the supply chain? Will it be factory ammo? We need to have essential supplies stored to cover a lot of “what ifs.” That should include ammo reloading supplies and equipment even if we don’t always have the time to do our own reloading.

Of course,many other variables also go into our favorite pastime…

Custom Reloading Supplies Meet Your Variables

If you’re just a short-range target shooter, factory ammo will probably get the job done most of the time. Even up to 100 yards. You may have found the right factory ammo that matches your preferred rifle to reach 300 – 400 yards. But that’s pushing it and probably the limit.

Once you get beyond a few hundred yards, factory ammo isn’t going to cut it. If you’re going to be reaching way out there, then the speed variance in a factory load will become a big problem. Good speed consistency from factory ammo is an exception and not the rule. Be honest with yourself, can you sustain a sub-minute of angle with factory ammo? Can you place a group of 5 in 2 inches at 300 yards? When unsuccessful, it’s mainly due to having a bad box of ammo. The one variable easiest to take out of the equation is having custom rounds that you know are consistent. Only you can consistently fine-tune the variables to patiently stretch sub MOA groupings out even further to have seven or eight-inch groupings at 800 or 1,200 yards. Anyone serious about their rifle setup strives to have their gun shoot a sub MOA group at almost any distance.

Not even the high-cost factory rounds are 100% consistent. The further you shoot, the more you’ll notice the inconsistency. It’s okay shooting one-inch groups at a hundred yards but that turns into ten-inch groupings at 1,000 yards. Your tenacity with handloads is the way you’ll improve your groups.

Not many of us like uncertainty in our lives. By carefully choosing your reloading supplies, you get a lot more bang for your buck. You get personalized rounds for a lower cost without having to rely on a big box store to have subpar rounds on the shelf when you need them. You can’t put a price on freedom but it doesn’t have to cost much either.

Titan Reloading is a Master Distributor of Reloading Supplies & Equipment online. Choose from Lee Precision, Dillon, Hornady, Redding, Mec, & Lyman. For further information and/orto shop our online store please visit or contact Titan Reloading the Master Distributor of Lee Precision reloading equipment & supplies at 262.397.8819 with any questions.

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Lee Pro 4000 Press

Lee Pro 4000 Press

The Lee 4000 Press available at the industry professionals at Titan Reloading is ideal for avid shooters to save money by making their own ammunition. For competitive shooters and hunters the biggest ongoing expense is buying and rebuying ammunition. The Pro 4000 Press provides an easy and safe method to make your own.

Benefits and Features of the Pro 4000 Press from Lee 

The Lee Pro 4000 Press  is the most affordable and easiest to operate four-station progressive press on the market today. The Pro 4000 from Lee Precision has all of the incredible benefits and features of the Pro 1000 with a fourth station added to allow for factory crimping and post sizing.

Press priming is quick and dependable, making this press ideal for loading mixed range or well used brass. It is also ideal for basic case preparation processes such as depriming before a tumble cleaning session. You can deactivate the auto index function and the press acts as a handy and reliable single station press.

Among the features and benefits of the Lee Pro 4000 Press include:

  • Easy carriage changeover in just seconds, including primer size with no additional adjustments having to be made.
  • Attached bin and bracket to catch completed rounds.
  • Automatic case advancement setting up to 2 5/16”, with longer cartridges loaded and advanced manually.
  • Automatic universal case feeder.
  • Color coded spline drive, quick change breech lock bushings.
  • Easy to use process for installing and adjusting various dies.
  • Ergonomic wood grip roller handle.
  • Exclusive auto case placer.
  • Four breech lock bushings.
  • Hex wrench for shell plate change and storage rack for tools, a $30 savings compared to other brands.
  • Large and small sized safety prime and priming arms, allowing for safer dispensing of primers of all sizes and brands.
  • Unique design features allow as much or as little automated control as desired with no adjustments to be made.

Among the most common reasons shooting enthusiast use presses to reload ammunition include: 

  • Customize Bullets
  • Recreate Obsolete or Unavailable Ammunition Types
  • Rare Bullet Types
  • Cost Effective

Whenever operating the Lee 4000 Pro Press or any other reloading equipment, it is always essential to practice strict safety procedures and adherence to the press manual.

An impressive team of industry specialists at Titan Reloading is dedicated to providing novice and veteran shooting enthusiasts top quality reloading supplies  to produce ammunition at a fraction of the cost of purchasing complete ammunition.

For further information or questions please contact Titan Reloading today at 262.397.8819 or visit to peruse and shop from our extensive inventory.

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Safety Tips for Reloading Ammunition

Reloading Supplies

Reloading ammunition is fairly easy and requires no special skills or advanced knowledge. Using top quality materials from Titan Reloading will help the process go smoothly and enable you to save money over time by reloading your own ammo.

The following are safety tips designed to help you stay safe and continue reloading ammunition for years to come.

Safety Glasses

Regular prescription glasses will not completely protect your eyes from an accidental primer explosion or other debris. Proper safety glasses have side shields and an apron. They come in prescription and non-prescription styles, as well as models that fit over standard glasses. Safety glasses are necessary for anyone in the room during the process of loading primers in casings.

Keep Reloading Space Clean

Start the reloading process with a clean counter and bench area. Organize components and gears, and keep only the materials needed in each step on the bench. It is crucial to property label containers to avoid accidentally mixing the wrong materials.

Take Your Time, Avoid Distractions

Reloading your own ammunition is a time-consuming task that needs your complete and undivided attention. Rushing the process will lead to costly and dangerous results. Work on your reloading only when you have enough time to do it properly at your pace. Turn off the television, put away your phone, and get down to business in peace and quiet. Never attempt to reload ammunition when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Keep Primers, Powder Away from Heat Source

Powder and primer are to be kept clear of heat sources and electrical power, and there is no smoking allowed in the area. Extra care needs to be taken when handling the canister tubes, which could explode if dropped.

Reloading Scale

There are scales on the market for all kinds of uses and applications. Reloading scales are specifically designed for weighing and reading of materials in the reloading process. Kitchen or postage scales are not calibrated to measure the kinds of materials with the precision necessary for reloading ammo.

Before weighing powder, make sure the reloading scale is free of dust and other debris that will alter the accuracy of the weigh.

Avoiding Lead Exposure

Excessive exposure to lead is hazardous to your health. Steps need to be taken to avoid unnecessary exposure to the metallic lead elements used in reloading ammunition.

  • Wash hands after handling ammunition materials
  • Avoid eating or drinking
  • Do not touch your face
  • Ensure proper ventilation and avoid inhaling reloading room dust
  • Use a face mask when cleaning up and emptying cases
  • Avoid reloading in carpeted areas, as carpet collects lead particles and results in potentially damaging static electricity

Use a Manual, Keep Records

Reloading manuals provide specific instructions for caliber recipes. It is essential to follow instructions to the letter. Keep the manual open to the cartridge type and size you are reloading for easy reference throughout the process.

Titan Reloading is dedicated to helping novice and veteran shooting enthusiasts safely and properly reload their own ammunition every time. A wide range of safety and procedural videos, and additional instructional information is available at, as well as the best prices for quality reloading supplies and equipment.

For further information and/or shop our online store, please visit or contact Titan Reloading at 262.397.8819 with any questions.

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Quality, Affordable Reloading Supplies

Reloading Supplies

Avid shooters can pocket bit savings by investing in reloading supplies from the industry professionals at Titan Reloading and begin producing their own ammunition. The process is ideal for serious competitive shooters or hunters, whose biggest expense after the purchase of a firearm is the ongoing cost for ammo.

Whatever the level of experience you bring, it is essential to have the right tools for the kind of shooting you are preparing for. Veterans at the reloading process understand the importance of purchasing the highest quality of reloading supplies from a respected dealer to perform the task properly and safely.

Best Rates on the Market

Beginners and master reloading experts alike will find the highest quality reloading supplies at the best rates on the market at Titan Reloading. Start Up Check Lists are available for the less experienced reloaders to guide you through the process of getting the reloading supplies needed to start saving by making your own ammo.

Reloading supplies essential to starting the process of making ammo include:
  • Workbench: Workstation dedicated solely to your reloading supplies
  • Case Cleaner: Safely and thoroughly cleans brass cartridge cases that have already been fired
  • Reloading Press: The heart of any reloading operation, reloading presses come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, including single stage, turret press, and progressive reloading press
  • Reloading Dies: Dies are needed in the reloading process for decapping, sizing, seating and crimping
  • Powder Scale: A high quality, accurate powder scale is essential to load the proper amount of powder
  • Reloading Manual: Never reload without a reloading manual to provide caliber specific recipes

Save on Ammo

Whether you are a beginner or a long-time hobbyist with years of experience, Titan Reloading offers a full selection of top quality, affordable reloading supplies for everyone who enjoys the savings that reloading supplies offer to the avid shooter.

The most important part of the reloading process is making sure you are performing the task correctly and safely. Titan Reloading has a large selection of, videos, and other tutorial materials to help shooters begin saving by safely reloading their own ammo.

For further information or to peruse and shop our online store please visit or contact Titan Reloading the Master Distributor of Lee Precision reloading equipment & supplies at 262.397.8819 for further information.

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Quality Reloading Supplies to Get Started

Reloading Supplies

Whether you’re a serious competitive shooter, a hobbyist or hunter the biggest expense after you purchase the firearm is the steady cost of ammo. To save 60-80% off the cost of ammo avid shooters invest in reloading supplies and begin producing their own.

Whether you are a beginner, hobbyist or master reloader you can find all the reloading supplies you need at Titan Reloading. For those just beginning to reload, Titan Reloading offers Start Up Check Lists, to guide you in purchasing the reloading supplies you’ll need to start saving on ammo.

Reloading Supplies that you’ll need to get started should include:

  • Workbench – a comfortable station dedicated to your reloading supplies
  • Case Cleaner – to clean brass cartridge cases that have already been fired
  • Reloading Press – the heart of your reloading operation
  • Reloading Dies – for decapping, sizing, seating and crimping
  • Powder Scale – essential to load the proper amount of powder
  • Reloading Manual – provides caliber specific recipes – never reload without one

When doing any job, it is accomplished with excellence when you have the right tools. If you’re just starting out in reloading, it is essential to purchase the correct tools for the job. Those that are old hands at reloading already know the importance of quality reloading supplies not only to make the best ammo, but doing it safely. Quality reloading supplies coupled with accurate knowledge is essential in reloading with precision and accuracy.

Titan Reloading has an extensive offering of books, online tutorial videos, help pictures along with product instructions for everyone that wants to begin saving by reloading their own ammo. Whether you are just beginning to learn about reloading supplies or are already a master, Titan Reloading offers a full selection for everyone who enjoys the savings that reloading offers to the avid shooter.

Along with being the Master Distributor for Lee Reloading Equipment, Titan Reloading is a Distributor of MEC Reloading Equipmentand Redding Reloading Equipment as well as an Authorized Dealer of Dillion Precision Reloading Equipment. Their extensivelineup of quality renowned reloading supplies also includes, Hornady and Lyman reloading equipment.

Titan Reloading is in Hartford, WI and operates one of the largest online superstores of reloading supplies to service people everywhere. Along with a full selection of reloading equipment, parts and reloading supplies including brass, bullets, shotshell, along with MTM Ammo Boxes and Shooting Accessories, Titan Reloading is a clearinghouse of free online tutorials, instructions and product information for reloaders of all experience levels.

The best part about reloading is the 60-80% that you save on ammo, which means that for the same money you can spend 60-80% more time shooting. For further information or to peruse our online store please visit or for any questions contact Titan Reloading at 262.397.8819 .

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Tips for Beginner Reloaders

Reloading supplies

More than few times, we’ve heard the same reasons for not getting into ammo reloading are the startup cost and not enough space in your home. With the right reloading supplies, it doesn’t have to be either of those. Reloading is a great relaxing hobby that doesn’t need to be expensive nor take up muchroom.

Ask for Help

Reloading your own ammo doesn’t need to be complicated. Many beginners start with reloading supplies and equipment that consist of no more than a single stage press, a basic set of dies, a powder measure, and a beam scale.

For experts, it’s their gusto for the hobby that overexcites… and that’s not a bad thing. Regardless of your skill level, don’t hesitate asking for help or a second opinion. Here at Titan Reloading, we’re happy to answer any questions you might have about reloading supplies and/or the use of our equipment.

Start Small and Simple

You probably don’t want to dedicate a large space in your home when getting started. Fortunately, there are great space-saving solutions such as using a bench in your garage or basement.

However, maybe you don’t have enough space in your garage or basement. In that case, your reloading supplies and equipment solution can be a folding workbench you pull out to use almost anywhere.

A portable reloading bench isn’t only for the beginner. These also come in handy for more advanced reloading hobbyists who occasionally need more space next to their dedicated bench. This means when a beginner becomes an intermediate or expert, the workbench is still utilized.

Another great use is taking it along to do some testing with your reloading supplies. You can reload on the spot at your favorite firing range. You’re able to test and fine-tune countless combinations of reloading components in a single trip.

When You’re Ready to Grow Your Reloading Hobby

Your hobby will grow. You’ll become one of the enthusiasts with a dedicated reloading bench. You’ll be the expert talking to new friends about getting started. Your dedicated bench will need more space. And we have the solution.

The Lee Bench Plate is the perfect accessory for the reloader looking to quickly change between presses on their bench. You’ll get more use from your existing workspace.In fact, experts who progress to training beginners find this to be very useful for frequently changing out different presses.

Here’s another money saving tip. Not only will you save money reusing your own brass, you can also pick up free brass found at the range.

To learn more or peruse and shop our online store please visit or contact Titan Reloading the Master Distributor of Lee Precision reloading equipment & supplies at 262.397.8819 for further information.

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Advantages and Lifestyle With the Right Reloading Supplies

reloading equipment

When shooting firearms is a hobby, you tend to go through a lot of ammo and want your shots to be accurate. While we take great pride in being your premier source for reloading supplies, we also share your firearms lifestyle.

The firearms lifestyle means different things to different people. You could be a well traveled big-game hunter, or spend your time at precision rifle matches, or time with your kid plunking holes in cans at a country gravel pit. It’s about choosing the lifestyle you want.

Lifestyle tip: label all the ammo you reload by powder charge and type. As you gain experience, you progress from lighter loads to maximum loads. You’ll learn what to expect each step along the way.

Reloading Supplies for Advanced Accuracy and Fun

Retail ammunition is designed to meet the requirements and preform acceptably in the majority of guns. It’s not optimized for the high-caliber performance and applications you aim to achieve. With carefully selected reloading supplies, you will obtain more velocity and enhance loads to work best in the exact gun and conditions you’ll be firing.

Something that has happened to many of us country life lovers is running low on ammunition when dozens of miles from a sporting store. You call it a day instead of making a round trip for more ammunition. Never have it happen again when you have your reloading supplies right there with you.

Looking for Lee Reloading Supplies? Titan Reloading is a master distributor of Lee Precision reloading equipment & supplies. For further information or any questions please contact Titan Reloading at 262.397.8819 or visit to peruse and shop our online store.

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Master Distributors of Lee Precision Reloading Supplies and Equipment

Lee Precision Reloading Supplies

Reloading equipment requires exacting standards to function correctly.Whether you’re a beginner or highly experienced reloader, you’ll find no better line of reloading supplies than Lee Precision (since 1958).

Reloading Basics

If you want to both save 60% (or more) on ammo and shoot 1/2-inch groups at 100 yards, reloading your own ammo is the way to go.

Reloading your own ammo enables accurately controlling the amount of powder for custom rounds matching the needs of your firearm. By controlling the speed of the bullet going through the barrel, you reduce barrel whip for improved accuracy. You don’t have to optimize every round but it’s cool that you can.

This is a general overview of the reloading ammo process that isn’t caliber specific.

  1. Deprime the casing using a reamer to resize or a cleaner tool.
  2. Prime the cartridge using hand tools or integrate it into the first sizing stage .
  3. Add powder (usually with standalone powder measurer or part of a press).
  4. Add a bullet and press/crimp it into the case.

Lee Precision Reloading Supplies and Equipment

As Master Distributors, Titan Reloading carries the full line of Lee Precision Reloading Products. This includes kits, parts, and accessories; along with service and replacement parts.

  • The Lee Breech Lock Challenger 50th Anniversary Kit is suitable for both the beginner and the experienced. You add the appropriate die set(s) for the caliber(s) you will reload. This kit will work for both rifle and pistol cartridges.
  • The Lee Deluxe Challenger Kit 60th Anniversary is perfect for anyone starting out but who wants more than the basics. This includes the best accessories at a lower price than what others charge for a “basic kit.”With this and a set of Lee dies, you’ll never outgrow the kit.
  • The Lee Classic Turret Press Kit and a set of Lee dies is everything you need to begin reloading. This one is fast and convenient when loading handgun cartridges. With some experience, it’s quite possible to reload 250 rounds per hour.

You’ll find that both Titan Reloading and Lee Precision have similar goals that correspond with our customers. These kits and other reloading supplies are the highest quality, made completely in the U.S.A., and are very affordable.

Since launching our website in 2010, we attribute our success to two basic principles – Service and Support. As Master Distributors of Lee Precision reloading supplies, we present the details at a level no one else does. For beginning reloaders this is more than valuable.

To learn more or to peruse and shop our online store please visit or contact Titan Reloading at 262.397.8819 with any questions.