With the introduction of their Hi-Tek coated bullets, the ACME Bullet Company has raised the bar on reloading and shooting. Commonly referred to as “lipstick” bullets because of the red coating in which they are encapsulated, the benefits of ACME’s coated rounds are unmatched.
What Is ACME Hi-Tek Coating?
The Hi-Tek coating used by ACME is a specially designed substance that forms a molecular bond with the bullet, or, more simply, the coating and bullet become one. This bond prevents the Hi-Tek coating from peeling or chipping, even under the most extreme of conditions. ACME uses a 92-6-2 alloy for its bullet casts, which, in this case, means that 92% of the round is lead, and the remainder is tin and antimony.
What Are the Benefits of Using ACME Hi-Tek Coated Bullets?
Several outstanding benefits make ACME’s coated bullets a top choice for reloaders and shooters alike, including:
1. Eliminate Lead-to-Bore Contact and Leading
When a lead bullet is fired it creates an incredible amount of friction. This friction is typically reduced using a lubricant, such as wax or oil. In addition to decreasing friction, the lubricant forms a barrier between the bullet and the metal gun bore to help prevent leading. Leading occurs when alloy from a bullet is deposited inside the bore. Over time, leading can compromise the rifling in the bore and the overall integrity of the barrel. The durable coating on ACME Hi-Tek coated rounds eliminates the possibility of lead-to-bore contact, thus eliminating the possibility of leading or damage to the bore.
2. Less Smoke, More Range-Friendly
Since the ACME rounds are coated, there is no need for wax or oil lubricants, and this is great news for range shooters. After all, bullets lubricated with wax or other lubricants create a lot of smoke when they are fired, and if you’re sighting your gun or target practicing, the smoke cloud can become quite thick. With ACME’s coated rounds, there is no lubricant and, therefore, no smoke, making them perfect for the indoor shooting range.
3. Bullets Feed Easily
If you’ve spent any amount of time firing semi-automatic handguns, then you’re probably aware that they are prone to jamming. This happens when the rounds get hung up on one another and fail to load smoothly, and it can be very frustrating, to say the least. The coating on the ACME bullets promotes smooth feeding and drastically reduces the chances of a jam occurring. And less jamming means more time spent sighting your gun for hunting season.
4. Reloading Is a Breeze
The next time you purchase reloading supplies, you’ll want to try the ACME Hi-Tek Coated bullets. Aside from the other great benefits, they make reloading a breeze. Moreover, they work seamlessly with standard reloading equipment, so you will not have to buy any specialized tools. Best of all, they are available in an array of calibers, so you can start using ACME bullets in all of your guns.
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