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June 2022
What’s Your TITAN Advantage?….WE RELOAD!
***Your Reloading Specialists***
Memorial Day has come and gone but we want to THANK ALL of our military veterans, past and present, for the sacrifices made to uphold the freedoms we enjoy every day. THANK YOU.
Robin, the Titan Crew and I are all doing well. Summer and all that goes with it is finally here and the only problem I can see is finding enough time to do everything as much as I’d like to. I have all summer to ‘get ‘er done’ so……ALL IS GOOD. I hope life is the same with you.
We are truly enjoying all the friends we have made through Titan Reloading and look forward to many more. Feel free to contact us. When possible, please email us rather than call. Due to our limited phone system and staff we are able to respond to your questions quicker via email. Please include your full name or order ID number with any order inquiries. Service and Support is our top priority. As always, you will find many answers to questions in the “FAQ” and “Help Videos” areas of our website www.titanreloading.com . Check us out on YouTube .
Dennis / Titan Reloading
4 Hole Turret w/ Auto Index
The rugged Turret Press along with the Auto Drum Powder Measure, produce top quality pistol ammo in a hurry. A finished round with a few pulls of the lever. Large enough to handle monster belted magnum rifle cases. When it is time to change calibers, simply lock in a new turret and begin loading within seconds. In addition to the Turret Press and Auto Disk Powder Measure; the kit includes the Lee Safety Scale, unmatched for sensitivity, a primer pocket cleaner, cutter and lockstud to trim the cases and a chamfer tool to deburr cases after trimming.
A set of Lee Dies is all that is required to complete this reloading outfit. All this at a price that will allow you to pay for your investment in a matter of hours.
This press is ideal for handgun loading and with experienced hands, you can load over 200 rounds per hour. For those who wish to use the press as a single station press, the auto index feature can be disabled in seconds and then re-enabled in the same amount of time.
The fourth hole was added to accommodate the use of the Lee Factory Crimp die which is an optional die but comes with the new Lee Deluxe Pistol Die sets.
To prime your cases on the press you need the Lee Safety Prime ( sold separately ).
NOTE: The Bench Plate System shown in the picture is NOT included in this Turret Press Kit.
Press Type: Turret Press
Frame Material: Steel and Die Cast Aluminum
Handle Location: Bottom Right or Left
Die Size Accepted: 7/8″-14 Threaded Dies
Spent Primer Collection System: Built-in
Ram Stroke: 3-1/2″
Priming Feature: Ram Prime unit with large and small primer cups
Number of Mounting Holes: 3
Mounting Hardware Included: no
Turret Press with Auto Index
Large and Small Primer Levers (LPS)
Auto Drum Powder Measure
Safety Scale
Primer Pocket Cleaner
Cutter and Lock Stud
Chamfer Tool
Is Reloading a Safe Hobby?

Many beginning shooters use nothing but factory rounds. At least until better precision and lower costs become a concern. That can be years down the road or in a mere few months. Eventually, these beginners make friends and acquaintances with guys having many more years of experience and know the ins and outs of reloading supplies and ammo. That’s a good thing about our hobby and Titan Reloading also wants to help you shorten the learning curve.
Be as Precise About Reloading as You are with Your Shooting
At Titan Reloading, we highly encourage everyone to practice precision reloading. Just like it takes time on the practice range, it takes time to learn about reloading supplies and the process. Life is not without risks and mistakes can happen when loading ammunition whether the mistake happens at a factory or in your garage.
Inspect your casings.
The two things you are most likely to come across are dents and micro-cracking. Neither should be reused. Dents can happen during the reloading process if too much compression is applied which sometimes leads to outer casing dents. Look for cracking everywhere but particularly around the base of the rim where they might appear as a bright ring. Dents and cracking don’t often occur unless a case has previously been improperly reloaded.
Primers not properly seated.
The primer is properly seated when it sits down inside the primer pocket of the casing. Inspect the bottom of the rim or case to verify the primer is not protruding. If the seating is not correct, remove it and reseat it or use a small flat tool to gently nudge it into the pocket.
Be precise with your powder loads.
With a single stage press, load powder into all the cases in the tray before moving on to seating bullets. Before pressing the bullets, examine the powder loads in the case with a flashlight. What you are primarily looking for is that you did not mistakenly double load any of the casings. With a progressive press, you can use a powder level check system to prevent over or excessive powder loading.
Press the bullets to the right depth.
Before crimping, examine your work to be sure all bullets have been pressed to the correct depth. If the bullet is too deep, it might be that you don’t have enough powder in the case. Too shallow indicates too much powder. Neither is desirable and neither matches the manual specs.
Here are a few testimonials from experienced shooters:
- Dave H. I count myself among the many shooters I know that reload for cost savings. I keep a healthy amount of reloading supplies on hand for both hunting rifles and handgun target practice. I have a couple of expert reloader friends that taught me how to do it right when I was getting started. After 12 years, I have no complaints and have only experienced the rarest of dud rounds. While other buddies are having a tough time finding the factory ammo they need, the reloading supplies that I have on hand continue to fill the bill with big savings.
- Duke T. For economic reasons, I first started using reloaded rounds that I bought from a couple of different small businesses. I got decent results but couldn’t always get exactly what I wanted or had to wait a long time for custom loads. About six years ago, I bit the bullet (so to speak) by investing in the reloading supplies and equipment I need to do it myself and have never looked back. Not only do I get the cost savings, but it enables me to tailor my loads to my specific needs. I’m a bit fussy. Not only do I customize rounds for specific purposes, but I also fine-tune for things like the time of the year and how weather affects performance. Self-loading is the only way I’ve found to account for all the variables.
- Bill W. I have hand loaded at least 12,000 rounds of 9mm and 380 – NEVER HAD A PROBLEM.
- Frank B. In almost 43 years of loading my own, I’ve only had one fail to fire during a match. I set that round aside to look at closely later. I found the primer had gotten into the pocket upside down. I redoubled my diligence when installing primers and never expect to have it happen again.
Put Trust in Yourself
If you can use power tools, you can reload your own ammo. With reloading supplies, you need to educate yourself, exercise caution, and check your work as you go. By doing your research before getting started, reloading ammo becomes a fun and safe hobby.
Titan Reloading is dedicated to helping novice and veteran shooting enthusiasts safely and properly reload their own ammunition.
Titan Reloading 994 W. Sumner St., Hartford, WI 53027 1-262-397-8819